Example 8.9 Multiple Value Objects Strategy - Entity Bean Client ... private ResourceEntity resourceEntity; private static final Class homeClazz = corepatterns.apps.psa.ejb.ResourceEntityHome.class; ... try { ResourceEntityHome home = (ResourceEntityHome) ServiceLocator.getInstance().getHome( "Resource", homeClazz); resourceEntity = home.findByPrimaryKey( resourceId); } catch(ServiceLocatorException ex) { // Translate Service Locator exception into // application exception throw new ResourceException(...); } catch(FinderException ex) { // Translate the entity bean finder exception into // application exception throw new ResourceException(...); } catch(RemoteException ex) { // Translate the Remote exception into // application exception throw new ResourceException(...); } ... // retrieve basic Resource data ResourceVO vo = resourceEntity.getResourceData(); ... // retrieve detailed Resource data ResourceDetailsVO = resourceEntity.getResourceDetailsData(); ...